The Mobile Global Exhibition
Project statement

The World Around The World at Home The World in Netherlands Berlin Balkan
The World in Amsterdam The World in Rotterdam The World in The Hague


Valdeta Januzi
Flower of Hope
date: 28-03-2013


Story Show Your Hope:

I want to say that I think each flower has its own symbolism. The snowdrop that I present in my painting is also known as the flower of hope. Later, someone told me where this flower got that name. So, I'll tell you the short version of the story: According to legend, the snowdrop became the symbol of hope when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. When Eve was about to give up hope that the cold winters would ever end, an angel appeared. She transformed some of the snowflakes into snowdrop flowers, proving that the winters would eventually give way to spring. 

The snowdrop is the flower that gives hope to everybody when it blooms. It's the hope that everybody is waiting for. It is the flower that makes people hope for better things to come, for better things to dream for, for something much more worth waiting for, whether they are a child or an adult. Whenever a person sees it, their hearts are filled with hope...

 I hope I have made my point.