The Mobile Global Exhibition
Project statement

The World Around The World at Home The World in Netherlands Berlin Balkan
The World in Amsterdam The World in Rotterdam The World in The Hague


Marian Mirt
I hope to remain without frames
date: 17-01-2012


Story Show Your Hope: My first child was born in 2011. overwhelmed by a birth od a doughter and her first months of life I dediceted a painting to her. Her appearance has changed my creativity rythem. A lot of time that I had before dedicated to art, I'm now spending playing with her. Wishing to connect both this and bind them togehter, I created a paitning with her portrait. Paintings I have been creating have been because of the technic and style without frame. Connecting the technic, birth of a child and the Show Your Hope project was a wonderfull chance for creation of this painting.