80 Questions around the World
Final report
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Vredesburo Eindhoven

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[NL version]

The program is set up by the Peace Office in Eindhoven as a reaction towards the globalizing world. The Peace Office, a local information and documentation centre considering peace issues, was in a situation where many people had the need for alternative information about this globalizing world. This was in the nineties, at the times of the fall of the Berlin wall and the Joegoslav wars. The events on 9-11 confirmed the need to comprehend the contemporary world. (Young) people very much like to know what is going on, in order to create a multiple perception, that helps to make live more understandable and more bearable. The internet alone does not supply enough answers to this need. Due to this situation the Peace Office has started an international program that is focused on the stimulation of global consciousness of the Eindhoven population.

First a Peace Office Outpost is set up in Sarajevo. The fascination for our work helped to activate the experience and interest of the people in Eindhoven. The program of '80 questions around the world' is developed in Sarajevo. The program of '80 Questions around the world' mainly uses cultural activities in order to maintain the fascination of the audience. Relaxation and distraction make us using a soft approach of the hard subjects of life. According to old traditions life should be 1/3 work, 1/3 rest and 1/3 self development. Since 9-11, the millennium bug and the fall of the Berlin wall people seem to deal with these issues more individually. The program of '80 questions around the world' is set up in order to give spontaneous possibilities to make the audience enrich themselves mentally or collectively.